North Yorkshire County Council


Meeting of the Health and Adult Services Executive



Minutes of the remote meeting held on 27 April 2022


Richard Webb, Corporate Director, Councillor Michael Harrison


Officers present: Abigail Barron





For Note/ Action


Declaration of Interests

County Councillor Michael Harrison declared an interest as his spouse works in Health and Adult Services.  He relied on a dispensation granted by the Standards Committee enabling him to partake fully in the meeting.




Approved Extension to Approved Provider Lists



The Corporate Director was asked to agree the extension of the current three Approved Provider Lists until 30 October 2022.


Previous approvals have been obtained from the Procurement Assurance Board and Health and Adult Leadership Team. Legal Services have also been consulted.   


Discussions have taken place with the Independent Care Group. 


The extension will ensure care providers are in a position to respond positively to the procurement exercise.  It takes account of the fact that the care market has experienced extreme demands on services. 


Support to providers will include signing up to the new portal system, explaining the implications of the quality pathway.  Webinars, 121 and Q&A sessions.




The extension of the three Approved Provider Lists until 30 October 2022 was approved.











Any other business 



A question was asked of the Health and Adult Services Executive via email prior to the meeting from Care England.

‘What is your current thinking on the process and timeline to engage with care home and home care providers in your capacity as a Trailblazer? and, what cost collection models are you going to use, and are you intending to use any third parties to support you with engagement and data collection?’

The response from Richard Webb, Corporate Director:  


“North Yorkshire County Council has been invited to be one of 5 Trailblazer sites for Adult Social Care Charging Reforms. This invitation was considered by the Council’s Executive last week Agenda details on public web site


The report was approved, however it is still subject to call-in until later this week.


As you can see from the report, we will have a review point with DHSC to take account of the Executive decision and the 5th May elections. In the meantime, we have started internal preparatory work and are also attending relevant DHSC working groups. We are planning to engage with our local care providers (we have well-established provider forums, a weekly comms meeting with the sector and a formal partnership with the Independent Care Group) once we have more details that we can share – I would anticipate that this will be later in May.


In terms of cost collection, we have recently completed and agreed an Actual Cost of Care exercise for residential and nursing homes and we will embark on a similar exercise for home care.


It is premature to speculate on whether we might use any third parties to assist with this work”